

Compliance Assessment

The regulatory environment is ever-changing with new federal, state, and local labor laws, insurance requirements, and employee training obligations.  We help you keep tabs on it all with compliance assessment services:

  • Review human resources policies, procedures, and handbooks to ensure they are up to date

  • Conduct workplace investigations

  • Assess business property tax statements

  • Ensure your insurance coverage is aligned with your risk tolerance

Business Process dEsign & Transformation

As your business evolves, it can be a challenge to delegate, separate critical duties, and provide checks and balances.  We will assess your business processes, then design a work flow that will give you confidence to entrust key contributors with tasks that free you up to focus on what you do best.  We offer process design services to help you:

  • Develop models for growth

  • Ensure job descriptions are appropriate and employees are classified properly

  • Design benefit packages to attract and retain employees

Strategic Planning & Business Architecture

Whether you need to develop a plan to expand into new digital markets or deliver growth business outcomes to your investors, having a solid strategy-driven road map for your future is integral to your success.  We make sure you are on the right path with strategic planning to: 

  • Provide guidance in developing growth and transformation plans

  • Define an extensible business architecture

  • Assist with business and financial modeling

  • Integrating people, business and digital technology investments